Overcome Career Saboteurs

Escape the limiting beliefs that hold you back and build a successful career

Do you struggle to speak up in meetings or make connections at work? Do you feel anxious to talk about your achievements with colleagues or feel like an impostore at work? Have you stepped into a new role at work and you feel insecure about your abilities?

I can help you overcome understand the limiting beliefs that sabotage your career, reprogram your mind for success and to let go of the fears that hold you back. Using a combination of Coaching, Hypnotheraphy and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) we can indentify the root cause behind the behaviours that sabotage your career and and help you address them in a safe and confortable way. 

This is for you if you struggle with any of the following:

You have a fear of self-promotion or you dislike talking about your achievements and sharing them with managers

Your mind often goes blank during meetings, causing you to forget critical details shared by your managers or team

You feel unmotivated at your job and wish a career change

You struggle with authority figures

You're afraid of confrontation, criticism, and feedback, or you feel attacked and unsettled when receiving feedback

You struggle to say "no" and assert yourself, often feeling taken advantage of

You frequently seek validation and approval from those around you

You dislike and avoid difficult conversations

You aspire to stand out at work, take on new projects, or even venture into entrepreneurship.

You worry about making mistakes and fear potential consequences such as job loss or feeling inferior to your colleagues

You grapple with procrastination, feeling overwhelmed by the tasks in front of you, and finding it challenging to prioritize what's truly important.

If any of this resonates with you, I can help you! Through tailor made one-on-one hypnotherapy and coaching, you can overcome the obstacles sabotaging your career, become more assertive and enjoy your work.

Whether it’s conquering the fear of speaking up or learning to thrive in high-pressure situations, we can work together to help you build the skills and confidence required to elevate your career. 


Interested to learn more?

Read what past clients say about this program

Person holding phone with emoticons jumping happy

Escape Self Doubt and Launch a New Brand

“I highly recommend Larisa as a hypnotherapist with high levels of integrity and care. As a coach myself, I prefer working with someone who has a good understanding of what challenges I face and what skills and methods are best for my line of work. So far I have worked with Larisa to launch my new brand and overcome personal and professional blocks and challenges including self-doubt, branding with authenticity, meeting deadlines, overcoming old programmes and paradigms and putting myself out on social media… I highly recommend Larisa and I also recommend my own clients to pursue hypnotherapy with Larisa to help them achieve their goals faster.”

Nas, Holistic Life Coach, UK

Man raising hands celebrating

Increase Motivation and Focus

“Since working with Larisa, I’ve been way happier. My negative thoughts decreased. I’m more focused and I got my drive back in all areas of life. So much so, that when I wanted to quit my job, my boss stopped and pleaded with me to change my mind. He saw a newfound potential in me and ‘a lot of progress, especially in the last 2 weeks’.
Aside from that, I’ve persuaded a co-worker to come to the gym with me. I’ve created a whole new training regimen that I’m eager to start and see the progress in that area.
To sum it up, I allowed myself to take risks again, to be focused and to stop the negative inner talks that occurred too often for my liking. Everything thanks to working with Larisa.

Adrian, Restaurant Manager, Romania

Women presenting with a microphone on her ear

Overcome Fear of Public Speaking

I have had difficulties with public speaking my entire life (I am 35 now). I used to feel so nervous that I could hear my heart beating in my ears. Following the sessions with Larisa, I no longer feel these anxiety-inducing emotions. Instead, I am in a sense of calmness and self-assuredness. Due to her hypnotherapy sessions coupled with EFT, I have the confidence in myself and my knowledge to speak publicly and do all of the things that once terrified me.

 Nicola Hill, United Kingdom

Take The First Step Toward Healing, Success, and A Life Fully Lived.