My Story

I always wanted to make a difference.

When I was sixteen, I volunteered with a Romanian non-profit organization which organised activities for disabled and disadvantaged children within my local community. For three years, we visited children’s homes, organised games and activities for them and spent time with them. 

This experience planted in me the desire to be of service and to have a career in this field. I discovered the joy of helping others and a deep sense of responsibility for those less fortunate. I wanted to become a leader and create a similar projects one day, but I did not see myself as capable to do it. My insecurity and low self esteem limited my potential.

For many years I continued to follow the path that society said I should follow. I applied for a bachelor in International Business, moved to Netherlands to study at a great university and eventually landed a job in the corporate world. But even though I strived to be successful, reading personal development books and following all the experts and gurus, nothing helped me shake off that inner insecurity I felt deep down. Though I graduated with a bachelor degree and lived in three different countries on my own, I still felt small and inadequate.  I was a perfectionist afraid of mistakes and failure and I deeply desired to be liked and please others. This led me to subconsciously take actions that sabotaged my career. 

“Our limiting beliefs control us like puppets on a string

and make it impossible to achieve our potential 

Photos of Larisa as a volunteer playing with dissabled children and preparing the activities

Then I started working with a career mentor who challenged my view of the world and unveiled my blind spots and for the first time I became aware that I harboured an unrecognised ego that sabotaged me. For the next two years, I attended weekly mentoring sessions to discover my ego and finally escape it. It became my mission to overcome it and I battled it daily through journalling, self-analysis and attending supplementary courses and therapy. But all my efforts were slow and I became more stressed and defeated by the process.  My own mind continued to sabotage me and I started to believe something was wrong with me. 

Photos of Larisa as a volunteer playing with dissabled children and preparing the activities

Then I learned about hypnotherapy and everything changed. I discovered how our minds have a filter that automatically rejects any notion contradicting our subconscious beliefs. 

All my life I believed that with enough willpower I could achieve what I wanted. But I never imagined that my own conscious mind could work against me.

I tried hypnotherapy and the results were incredible. In only three sessions, it transformed my confidence, reshaped my perspectives, and allowed me to trust myself without the struggle of traditional self-help methods. 

‘A month ago, you wouldn’t have thought this way. I’m impressed!’ (My mentor)

I shifted my approach and committed to use hypnotherapy for my deep healing. It helped me to heal my childhood trauma, love myself and see myself as a leader that can make a difference in the world. 

Then I learned about hypnotherapy and everything changed. I discovered how our minds have a filter that automatically rejects any notion contradicting our subconscious beliefs. 

All my life I believed that with enough willpower I could achieve what I wanted. But I never imagined that my own conscious mind could work against me.

I tried hypnotherapy and the results were incredible. In only three sessions, it transformed my confidence, reshaped my perspectives, and allowed me to trust myself without the struggle of traditional self-help methods. 

‘A month ago, you wouldn’t have thought this way. I’m impressed!’ (My mentor)

I shifted my approach and committed to use hypnotherapy for my deep healing. It helped me to heal my childhood trauma, love myself and see myself as a leader that can make a difference in the world. 

Photos of Larisa as a volunteer playing with dissabled children and preparing the activities

This breakthrough wasn’t exclusive to me—it extended to everyone I had the privilege to work with and I have witnessed my clients launch their businesses, escape abusive relationships and fulfil their dreams. 

It became abundantly clear: our subconscious programming can dictate our lives and hinder our true potential, no matter our willpower.

My journey taught me that the key isn’t just change; it’s making the mind your ally. It’s about rewriting narratives and aligning your reality with your authentic self. 

If you’re ready to rewrite your story, break free from limitations, and embrace your ability to affect meaningful change, I’m here to guide you. I know from my experience that fighting our minds is half the battle. 

With hypnotherapy, you can make your mind your ally.

If you’re someone who aspires to make a difference in the world and you’re ready to rewrite your beliefs, I am here to help you become the person you dream to be.

Take The First Step Toward Healing, Success, and A Life Fully Lived.