I’m Larisa Lipianu

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

I help professionals struggling with anxiety, stress, and imposter syndrome break free, improve confidence and achieve success.

Heal Past Trauma

Find the root cause behind your fears and escape emotional pain.

Achieve your Goals

Launch your dream business, make a career change and advance up the success ladder.

Achieve & Thrive

Unleash the power of your subconscious mind to set goals, visualize success, and live authentically.

Escape Anxiety & Phobias

 Overcome your fears and regain control of your life.

Increase Confidence & Self Esteem

Develop an unshakable confidence, heal your inner child and  learn to love yourself as you are.  

Overcome Career Saboteurs

Conquer the limiting beliefs that sabotage your career and develop a champion’s mindset that will help you succeed. 

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic approach that induces a state of deep relaxation and focused attention, allowing the mind to become receptive to change and suggestions. This mental state is similar to when we daydream, become lost in thought, or immerse ourselves in work – experiences we encounter regularly throughout the day. However, in hypnotherapy, a trained therapist guides the client into this state and provides a customized treatment for healing.

Hypnotherapy is effective in alleviating emotional pain, resolving inner conflicts, and rewiring the brain with more positive beliefs. Contrary to common misconceptions, it is a well-researched practice within the medical field and is not a form of mind control. Instead, it’s a collaborative process in which you remain in control, and your active participation is integral to its effectiveness.

Who Is It For?

Hypnotherapy is suitable for anyone seeking to make positive changes in their lives. It can benefit those struggling with issues like anxiety, phobias, stress, low self-esteem, imposter syndrome, and more. Whether you’re looking to enhance your mental well-being, improve confidence, overcome personal hurdles, or simply want to tap into your full potential, hypnotherapy offers a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation. 

What is The Process Like?

The hypnotherapy services are quick, transformative and highly personalized. Each session will be uniquely tailored to your challenges and so you can achieve results as quickly as possible. 

1. Discovery Call and Assessment

During the discovery session, we’ll discuss your specific needs, challenges, and goals. I will ask questions about the challenges you are facing and the past experiences you had. This will help me create a customised plan for you. I will also give you a free demonstration session so you can decide if this is for you.

2. Personalized Treatment Planning

Based on our discussion we will develop a unique treatment plan that includes energy healing, hypnotherapy, mentoring, coaching. This plan will target the issues you wish to work on and it will take into challenges you have in other areas of your life. Together we will decide what to prioritise and focus on.

3. Hypnotherapy Sessions

These specialized sessions employ guided imagery and hypnosis techniques to confront subconscious barriers and emotional pain associated with past traumas or obstacles. The primary focus is on safely and systematically dismantling these barriers in a controlled environment. Rest assured, I’ll thoroughly explain the process at the outset of each session, ensuring you maintain full control. Clients often describe feeling safe, relaxed, and rejuvenated, akin to the sensation of a soothing massage.

4. Customized recordings and ongoing support

I will craft personalized recordings for you to listen to at home, aiding in your journey to overcome challenges. Throughout the week, I am here to address your inquiries, provide encouragement, and offer coaching via email, ensuring you make consistent progress toward your healing goals. You’ll never walk this healing journey alone.

5. Review and Celebration of Progress

As we progress through the journey, we will routinely review and celebrate your accomplishments. Recognizing both the significant milestones and the small victories reinforces the transformation and solidifies the newfound freedom and control you’ve gained over your life. This process serves as a marker of your success and your ongoing journey towards personal growth and fulfillment.

About Me

I am a certified clinical hypnotherapist passionate about guiding individuals through emotional and physical healing.  My journey into hypnotherapy began during my first year of counselling education. I had a corporate job and I struggled with insecurity and low self-esteem and this prevented me from taking on projects and advocating for myself at work.  

Then I chose to see a hypnotherapist and everything changed. In just three sessions, I experienced a profound shift in my perspective and I felt a newfound sense of confidence within me. This transformation empowered me to step up at work, take charge of projects, and advocate for myself.

The experience with hypnotherapy was so impactful that I continued to use it throughout my career. It helped me heal childhood trauma, grow as a leader and develop a healthier relationship with myself.  It made it my mission to become a hypnotherapist and empower others in their healing journey.

I’m deeply passionate to help others realize their full potential and create more value in their lives, just as I did. If you’re ready to break free from the chains of limiting beliefs and embark on your journey of transformation, I’m here to guide you every step of the way.


“I was so enthusiastic after our session that I set up my business on the same day. I chose a business name, registered it, created a business plan, found a lawyer and sorted out the paperwork. All of that in a day. It was incredible. ”

Meghann, Executive Recruiter, Chicago

I have had difficulties with public speaking my entire life (I am 35 now). I used to feel so nervous that I could hear my heart beating in my ears. Following the sessions with Larisa, I no longer feel these anxiety-inducing emotions. Instead, I am in a sense of calmness and self-assuredness. Due to her hypnotherapy sessions coupled with EFT, I have the confidence in myself and my knowledge to speak publicly and do all of the things that once terrified me. “

 Nicola Hill, United Kingdom

“At 56 years old, I have been in talk therapy for 40 years, struggling with childhood wounds and trauma that manifested in my physical body, causing muscle and joint pain throughout especially in my neck and shoulder area. My pain level was continually at a 10 plus. After only three sessions with Larisa, my pain level has dropped to a mere 5-6 and I have let go of so much childhood trauma in such a short period of time, it amazes me!”

Stephanie Lucas, New Jersey, USA

Take The First Step Toward Healing, Success, and A Life Fully Lived.